Thursday, February 18, 2010

Julie & Julia

Butter to my bread breath to my life……

Love the movie. It is about hope , perseverance about how if one decides no feat is impossible and how life always gives you a second chance and how one can find joy in very simple things and get success as per standard of world in seemingly unworldly ways.

Some scenes like child couple celebrating valentine day or Julia child thanking her husband at the end were very touching. I am a vegetarian but the movie makes me think that non veg won’t be that bad….

Something on relationships…the way Julia feels when her sister is pregnant and she can’t have child or how mother of Juli’s supports here finally.
The scene where Julia cuts onions fervishly is hilarious to the core and also the one of being hot as stiff cock.

A good watch. Makes you feel hopeful gain in life. And Madame Bassart was adorable

"I love deadlines. I especially like the whooshing sound they make as they go flying by – set the tone for me…