Sunday, November 9, 2008


Chanakya describes the exploits of a clever and farsighted Brahmin to unify all of India under one ruler and his gentle persuasion of Minister of current largest kingdom i.e. Magda named "mudrarakshas".Second half of series is loosely based on this ancient Sanskrit text which details all political moves of Chanakya to win loyalty of people of Magda without much bloodshed. This ie really strange that Indian records don't mention invasion of Alexander and all information we have is from Greek sources.Similarly Chanakya the first patriot of India who succeeded and whose vision is relevant even today is not a person who is accorded his due honor and attention in history. Especially good in series are costumes and sets of those times.But physique of soldiers is somewhat less than required.e.g. Army of Porus and other republics roughly correspond to present day Pathans and Punjabis but all extras in movie are north Indian people .This was the only eye sore and in innumerable dance sequences in courts dancers were not that beautiful as they should have been or would have been.Some people may laugh at my objections but Dr Dwivedi while paying attention to small details like what a particular official was called in NW India and in eastern India in those days has not paid attention to these small things. A must watch for all history students and also political science students and in today's troubled times for all Indians

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